Here is what life looks like at our house:
Faye is a month old.

I can't believe how fast times goes with two. I am already feeling guilty that I haven't spent time reading to, singing to, signing to and/or working on developmental milestones everyday with Faye. I guess there is still time.
Miles is Miles.
He seems to be warming up to the fact that he has a "Baby Sister." I have only heard him voluntarily say "Faye" once and it was when he said this: "Faye, stay!" referring to her not coming into the kitchen with us. He also surprised me when he told me to "turn Baby Sister off." Apparently, she was interrupting his show. Speaking off which, Miles has been doing a lot of this:
That is Miles sitting on his chair watching a movie with his trains. Again, I am a negligent parent. I feel a little better when he wants to watch an educational movie, but most of the time he wants to watch Thomas and I let him.
Here he is giving Faye a soft hug. I was lucky enough to catch it with my phone.

David is amazing.
At the beginning of this semester he got his White Coat! He is one step closer to becoming a doctor. I'm so proud of him. Since all the pictures that I took are on my other camera, and I don't know how to use it- I am stealing this one from my friend's blog. Here he is with a bunch of his first year buddies from the ward.

Even with all of his schooling he makes time for us- which is awesome and allows me some sanity. Have I mentioned lately that I love him?
Here I am.
With my babies.
I am seriously so blessed. That is all.
I cant believe she is a month old! WHOA! And what is up with THomas. Ko loves that show to and I think it is SO lame and boring. wierd.
wow suit you look fabulous!! And your children are darling! miss you so much, LOVES!
You are so cute!!! And your kids are so cute!! Wish I could see them in person:) I am glad you are doing good!!
Miles looks on top of the world in that picture. I love that he has his own leather chair.
You linked to Seriously So Blessed?!?!?! i hate that TAMN - (well, I don't hate her... I just hate that she's not even real and WAAAAY more famous than yours truly.)
OK, love the pic of Faye... and it was sogood to talk to you guys the other night... that pic is way better of Faye than the one on the iChat (her face looked all bluish, and I couldn't even see her other cheek.)
It's 10:16 and my baby isn't here, so we're shooting for Monday! Love you!
can i just say i can totally relate! i have yet to be out with the 3 kids on my own and my children have watched more shows than any child should in a year. but we are alive and well!
cute kids. enjoy.
First of all I love Edie Brickell and haven't heard that song forever so thanks.
Second of all, kids can learn a lot from TV so don't feel to bad. ha ha
Third of all, why do we live in the same town and never do anything together. We must remedy that!
Fourth of all, if you need a backup babysitter for grocery shopping or whatever...i'm available.
Fifth of all, Seriously so Blessed is a funny blog.
Sixth of all, see you at church
yes you are, my friend.
Faye is so so cute! Oh and I wish that I could say the tv thing gets better but it doesn't. I keep saying that I will limit the cartoons but then how could I get anything done. :)
What a beautiful family! Looks like you are keeping busy! Loves to you and those darling munchkins!
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