"I've had some smelly kids in my day, but your son is by far the smelliest."
Movie Game!
This quote is in reference to going to the Aguirre's the other night and Miles having a stink fest which we thought was poop, but could never find it. I believe Emily referred to it as a "phantom poo." And then, awesomely enough, Faye had a serious blow out.
I know my kids are the crusty nosed kids, but I really didn't want them to be the smelly kids. They usually smell really good like Burt's Bee's Baby Bee's lotion. Mmmm... but, apparently, they are the stinky kids.
Speaking of smells- I have long been anticipating what Faye's breath would smell like. Miles' always smelt like cream cheese frosting and I was hoping that Faye's would smell of something sweet as well. Well, I have a cold, so I can't smell right now, but before I was plugged up I smelt her breath and it was delicious! It was candy for sure, and more specifically Smarties. I can't wait to smell again to see if it has changed at all. I'm secretly hoping for Skittles.
"Hold you me please?"
I love my son. Couldn't be cuter. I hope he will forgive me someday for getting upset with him over things that shouldn't matter. He is two not sixteen. I need to remember that.
My husband the genius.
If I haven't mentioned it lately, I am in love with my husband. He has been super stressed about a pathology test he took a couple weeks ago. He truly thought he had failed the test and would have to retake the class this summer. He got his results today... Surprise, surprise- he not only not failed, but got a whopping 100%. 100%!!
So typical of him.
I miss you. Your kids are not the smelly kids. Just Miles has "ghost poos". It's like you think there isn't a anything in there - but there really is. Any kid with a dirty diaper stinks. Anyway, congrats to David on the Pathology test.
Omg! Way to go Dave! I'm so glad he did well. I miss you kids! I love you... Love Aunt Annie
What an adorable baby! And what the heck, you are tiny. I told Emily that when you have two babies, the TV becomes one of your best friends. It's all good.
you are cute my friend. and I miss you too. I will call you! And YEAH for Dave!!!!
Cicely...hey it's Straat! Do you remember me? It seems like everything is going so good for you and your sweet family. My baby girl is now 4 months old and there is seriously nothing more amazing than having a baby. I'm sure glad I came across your blog. I hope all is well with you.
Straat!! Are you kidding? Do I remember you? Of course!
How are you, friend? A baby? Isn't it awesome?! Babies are the best.
I just tried to view your blog, but I'm blocked. Let me in, eh?
Cicely, this is Tally's friend Natalie again. I check your blog because your posts always make me smile and I like to check in with another mom-of-two-with-husband-in-medical-school. I had to de-lurk to tell you congratulations on your new baby girl. The white-coat ceremony is pretty neat, right? Congratulations to him on his great test score - I didn't know 100% was even POSSIBLE!
Anyway, back to lurking....
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