Miles peed in the potty! Not just once or twice, but eight times!! Last night he told me he wanted Nemo treats and he knows that he only gets them if he goes in the big boy potty. So he did. And then he did it again. And again. And then it continued today! Here is a picture of him putting his stickers on his Potty Chart.
I know that every kid does this and it is not really THAT big of deal- but it is to me.
Good work my son! Keep it up, please.
Way to go Miles! (and mommy too, potty training is hard work!) Glad to see things are going well for you!
Yes every kid does get potty trained...but it really is that big of deal!! Congrats on the milestone!!
Oh ya it is a big deal. I think those first times they pee on the potty are like amazing, and you just hope and pray it goes to more frequent then less. Good luck. Miles is still pretty young, at least that is what people keep telling me about Ko. Ptty training really sucks...good luck!
i am crossing my fingers for you! Way to go Miles!!
Yeah! It so is a big deal! I can't get Josie to sit on it long enough to count one Missippi two... she jumps up and yells "I did it" She just wants a Dora sticker. Nice try Josie! Congrats Miles and Mommy!
Okay, okay so I missed some ssss... and possibly an I. LOL!!!
Go Miles! Go Miles! That is awesome. He'll have to teach Andersen. I put things on hold because of baby coming, people said I would have to re-train. I'm exctied for you guys!
Yeah MILES!!! I think that is AWESOME!!!! He is becoming such a big boy! Good work MOM!
Congrats! I hated potty training but it is so nice to not have to change two bums. :) It's a HUGE deal!
Right on Miles!!! Good work Mommy!!!
Hey,call me, whats this week look like for D&D?? I told Paul he needs to pin down a day. the new look on the blog...little feeties...
way to go. Thats a big achievement, so I've heard I wouldn't know from my own experience of potty training kids.
HOw awesome is that!! Go Miles. He is such a smart boy, I'll have to get your tricks when Izaiah is older. I just read your post about going on a mini vaca when you are in town, and we would love to. Just let me know what I can do to help plan. LOve and miss you.
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