Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our new baby girl, Faye.

This is David posting, so you shouldn't expect a witty and creative post until Cicely has fully recovered in a few days, but until then I apologize. I can do pictures, but not much more. A few details, she was born at 4:39 a.m. Dec 22, 2008, weighing in at 7 lbs. 5.8 ounces and 21 inches long. They are both doing well and are expected home by tomorrow. Her full name is Faye Suite Cain and she is more beautiful than we ever imagined.


Paul said...

YOU DID IT!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!! SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! Well, girl, tell us all about it!!!

Lindsey said...

Congrats! How sweet she looks. Can't wait to hear the details.

...NUTS...I'm still pregnant!

mel or kel said...

Yea!! Baby Faye (love the name) we can't wait to meet you. You do look beautiful.

We love you
aunty melissa, unky Keler, and cousin harper

erin said...

yAY!! Congrats you guys. She really is beautiful. I can't wait to hear from you so hurry and call me.

Aimee said...


congrats from the heffernan's.

Lacey Voris said...

Congrats!!! So exciting!! Now you have a boy and a girl!! Perfect!

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

I'm so happy you posted pics! Way to go Deef! And yes, the txt finally came through on Danny's phone.

I can tell Holden is getting antsy to join his cousin down here...

She's beautiful you guys. Can't wait until we get to see her (we're thinking early spring after Holden gets here).

So proud of you Cic; and we love you Baby Faye!

Levi and Suzi said...

Congratulations on your beautiful baby Faye! What a cute name! And Cicely, how can you look so gorgeous after just having had a baby? I can't wait to hear the whole story!

Jenn said...

Yipee! Congratulations.

Alesha said...

Oh yah guys! So excited for you! She is adorable, I cant wait to hear the whole story! Hope you are feeling well Cicely!

Julie said...

Yay for Faye!!! What a great Christmas present!! Congrats! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Emily said...

I hope you make it home safely and enjoy being together with the new little precious!

The Johnson's said...

Congrats Cic! I am so glad she is here safe and that you'll be home for Christmas!!! Have fun and happy holidays!!

The Johnson's said...

Congrats Cic! I am so glad she is here safe and that you'll be home for Christmas!!! Have fun and happy holidays!!

em said...

I can't wait to meet her! She looks ADORABLE! Merry Christmas!