Recently, a yogi featured Sabrena on her blog and I think she captured her very well. She said
I met Sabrena as a first-time-yogini-looking to write an article about it. Sabrena is a talented writer, inspiring blogger, (actually the first blog I officially followed), former corporate world hottie, yoga instructor, political junkie, and one of the best cheerleaders of life I've ever known. She has transformed the way I view motherhood! Yep, she has managed to make it look cool, humorous, and totally inspiring.
What does she breathe life into? Family, humor, day to day moments of OM and embracing life rain or shine. Well... let me let her tell you in her own words: "Holden's (baby wearing-attachment parenting-cloth diapering-ECing-milk making) hippie Mommy. Supposed Cougar complex (my husband's 6 years my junior, but I'm too post-preggers plump for the real label). Lover of Warhol, Zeppelin, Writing and Travel." Look Sabrena up! You will be moved, elated, and inspired!
Sabrena is extra special to me because of this:
It may not look like much to you, but to us it was magic. Let me explain...
When Faye was just four months old- she got hit with the nasty RSV and for a baby that young- it was devastating.
During this time, she decided to stop nursing. And, after she stopped nursing- she stopped eating. It was a sad and scary time. She was losing weight fast and for a baby that only weighs 12 lbs. to start losing weight- it wasn't good.
Once she was on IVs for a few days and the RSV symptoms started to diminish, she was back in action and ready for food. Well, only if it came out of the bottle. So I pumped and pumped, but it wasn't really sufficent. I was producing blue skim milk. She needed some cream.
That's when Sabrena came to the rescue! Luckilly she was pumping for her new son, Holden, and she was more than willing to share.
Now, what started as a great gesture of love for me and Faye and our family, ending up being a miracle.
Not only was the milk plenltiful (and by plentiful I mean she was pumping up to 60 oz. per day!) it was also packeted with calories. I'm not kidding you when I say that there were times that I literally had to unclog breastmilk BUTTER from the nipple. The grosser it was, the better it was for my baby.
Faye tore it up and slowly but surely, started gaining weight. All our prayers had been answered and they were answered in the form of Sabrena's Dairy Farm Whole Milk with a side of some heavy cream.
That picture shown above was the first shipment we received from Sabrena. She has sent us many since then and even Miles gets excited by it because he gets to do this:
That is him playing with the dry ice that keeps the milk cold. Fun for hours.
Sadly Sabrena will be done pumping the beginning of Feb. when Holden turns one year old. So- this is a note to share my milking- or lack of milking- story and my love for my sweet, generous, and always seemingly willing and happy to do this- sister, Sabrena.
In short- thanks to Sabrena's countless hours of pumping, prayers and love- Faye went from this:

to this:
Thank you Sabrena. You are amazing and awesome and we love and appreciate you.
I am speechless. What an awesome sister you have, and what a plentiful supply of milk she provided. It's so wonderful there are moms and sisters like Sebrena out there.
And Faye is a little looker. Mmm hmmm love those little pink onesies!
That is the sweetest thing. That surely is the true love of a sister. I'm glad that Faye is better, and dang she is sooo cute.
What a nice sis! I want to sell maybe I should think more generously and give it away! haha
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