-The Sacrament Toots. Today Miles ripped one while the sacrament was being passed and I was like a 7th grader at 3am. I couldn't stop laughing. It was a problem. David made me bury my face in his jacket to save himself from too much embarrassment. At what point are you mature enough to not think farting is funny? Because I haven't reached it yet.
-Drug School. I really don't want Miles or Faye to ever do drugs- so I came up with a plan to make this so: I will just tell them they are allergic to them. "You are allergic to drugs so you will die if you try them." I'm sticking to it.
-Tricks and Treats. After having such a high maintenance Miles I was hoping to have a child that is laid back and not super needy. Well, I got what I wanted, but... is there such a thing as the opposite of needy? I have to trick Faye into eating and she prefers her space to being held. Most of the time I feel like I'm neglecting her until I remember that the last time I picked her up to play she started crying.
-Smiley Face. At least when I do let her have her space and we play she smiles like nobody's business. It makes my insides happy.
-"Hold you me please." Miles has yet to hold her.
-Don't you wish your girlfriend was ______ like me? I don't know what the blank is right now, but I do know that thanks to The Biggest Loser Competition that I am involved in- I have lost 3 lbs. this week and pretty soon I will be so hot you'll need shades to view this blog. Yep. I just said that.
-Dr. Jekyll- you ought to Hyde. This summer I am going to Salt Lake for two months and one of those months will be without David. I'm nervous. For some reason when I am not around him for more than two days I get depressed and just plain mean. I say awful and hurtful things that I don't even mean. I hope that I can control myself during this time and be a nice person. If you see me in SLC and I say something awful- please don't take it to heart. I love you. I really do.
-The Ants Go Marching. One by one I find an ant in my bathroom. This has been going on for months. I don't know where they are coming from or why they only come one at a time and why they are always in a different spot than I found the last one, but I'm getting quite sick of it. So listen up ants that are in my bathroom- go marching back to where you came from or I will go marching on your face.
-Anybody Looking for a Star? Because I think I could act. So, if you are making any movies soon- let me know. I'm probably the next Kate Winselt and I could make you millions.
-Anybody Looking for a Star? part two. Also, I am available to be the lead singer in a band.
Thats it. My randoms.
I just have to say that in church I was having a really hard time stopping laughing too (so was Levi, more so than I). And, the same thought went through my head..."Am I too old to think that's stinkin' hilarious?"...Nope, laugh on. Thanks Miles, we appreciated the addition of humor to a dry meeting. And, I also have to say that you do not have to apologize when things like that happen! Oh, and we're sitting in front of you every Sunday from now on. :)
my favorite is the drug school part...i may just steal that idea!
I love your randoms! They make me want to be a better writer. I'll make sure that I get my shades out next time I check in on your blog!
I love it man! We are the 'back row dickinsons'...so, Miles, you're safe with us, we didn't hear anything!
I took your advice and picked up some sugar free jello cups with low fat whip cream in a can....i havent had the need to eat it yet...but then again, we got it last night. Hailey thinks they're for her.. HA, think again child!
I pulled on my jeans today and I didn't have to squish my fat...at all...and the jeans came out of the dryer...instead of previously being worn and stretched out. Ohhhhh the Personal Feats....pst..I lost another lbs...beware...game is on sista'...I love it that we're all gonna be SUPER hot, instead of just 'hot' ;-)
i love your randomness, really made me laugh
I think if you get to "old" to laugh at the toots it's a sad sad day! I am glad you are having fun with your kids, it's nice to have some differences if life for sure, especially in those you spend the most time with! My kids are ALL so very different and still such great friends, I LOVE IT! You crack me up! It's fun to get to know you better! I am glad you are feeling more ___________ than the girl friend!
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