Yes. It's happened. David's pumpkin was sadly taken from us on Halloween night.
When we went to bed- it was there, but when we woke up- only the headless horsemen remained. I would like to think that it is in a better place.
Maybe someone used it for a carving contest they pretended to enter. Or maybe it left to do some last minute campaigning in PA. I would much rather like to pretend that good things are happening to it- rather than what I'm sure has really happened... It got it's face smashed in. It was only a matter of time.
Here is to you- Barack O'Lantern.
Way too funny!
Maybe it went to Russia or Korea and did some campaigning for communism? Just a thought
Happy Halloween
No way..damn trick or treaters, or McCaininites or whoever they were! Well..I am sad for the Barack O Lantern..even though I am not voting for him. Did you see SNL last night? SO funny, especially the opening with McCain and the Target skit. Wish we could have laughed together.. miss you guys.. loves.
I don't get the whole political thing. Had Mitt stayed in, I may have actually registered. Its just one weird choice vs another. But I am sad someone stole your Barac-O-Lantern. That sucks. He really did such a nice job...thats talent man. And you're right, it probably went to some weird political ritual that had a violent ending for your beautiful pumpkin. Have you guys always done such elaborate carvings? What are some of the others youve done?
Holy sam I am a bowl of laughs right now. I am sorry that he is MIA. And may I add David did a fine job on that. Sorry friend.
Are you serious!! Dave really did that pumpkin? That is incredible. How the...I am very impressed. What is Dave doing in Medical School. He should do this for a living. Tons of money in pumpkin carving. Haha. Well I am sorry it was stolen. And I loved Miles' costume. He looks so cute (and old) Love you guys
Are you serious!! Dave really did that pumpkin? That is incredible. How the...I am very impressed. What is Dave doing in Medical School. He should do this for a living. Tons of money in pumpkin carving. Haha. Well I am sorry it was stolen. And I loved Miles' costume. He looks so cute (and old) Love you guys
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