Lets get you up to speed:
We moved. I love it here. David loves school. Miles is awesome. Fetus Cain is kicking. And my belly is way bigger than it ought to be. My mid-wife keeps reassuring me that it's normal for the second one, but I'm not so sure I'm entirely convinced.
Those are the biggies. Maybe we can slow it down for you with a few pictures of our expERIEnces (can't take credit for that).
Miles rocked the airplane. Fell asleep at take off and just played with the new toys Mama Suite and The Old Man gave him until we landed!
Doing some serious work on the house. Thanks Gram Gram, Bumpa and Aunt Emmy.
Miles was pooped. Good thing Gram Gram was here.
Yes, friends that right! We have a beach and it's awesome!!! David, Miles and I went for a swim a few times before David started school. Miles loves the waves, the sand and pooping in his swim pants.
Miles loves the zoo! Here he is with Gracie Keith at the fish tank!
We took a trip to Palmyra for the Hill Cumorah Pagent and stopped at a few sites. Here we are at the sacred grove. I don't think you are supposed to get lost in there, but we sure did. Zing. Here are some more pics of the trip:
This was the best! Miles was getting a little tired and in the middle of the tour he decided to lay down on the sawdust floor and take a little nap. Dave and I were laughing so hard I almost couldn't take the picture.
Yes, that is my son running around in a public place with only a diaper on. It was sooo hot and sooo humid that I had no other choice. He kept running away from us to play with the big people. Cutest.
Probably the cutest picture ever taken of all time.
So that's a quick run down.
I'll do better from now on- I swear.
I'm so happy to see you're doing okay. I actually lost my phone at the hotel there in Rochester and waiting for them to send it back to me. So we rented a car with another couple for the summer and they ended up having to go home early, so we don't really have a car anymore. Tell me your plans though, any of them include travelling? we could meet you somewhere maybe. I want to see you before we leave in a few weeks. miss your guts. I love your little tummy. how can you be so cute prego? I definitely don't want to be pregnant soon, hope its all going well.
Its about time! Love the rundown! So happy you are here, so sad I am leaving!
The Niagara pic - doppity dope!! And your house is so friggin cute. Bout time for the update, don't wait so long next time and keep postin pics of that darling belly of yours, you look great!
Glad to see you are still alive and that you are loving it there. I thought moving away would be so sad but I love it too, however I am board. You have not one but soon to be two babies to keep you company. And yes you are right you are about as big as I am and your ten weeks behind me. I thought I was huge, I'll just make sure to look at your blog when I am feeling bad about it. That will comfort me! Just kidding, your about the same size but not huge! You make me happy!
What is that on Miles head in the last picture? It looks like a big blue spider! Glad you posted again! I think your tummy is so small. Must be because mine is so HUGE in comparison!
Glad you gave us an update. I cant wait to see your house in real life, I am sure you have done some really cute things to it:)
I miss you:( MWSBF Lagoon day is in a couple of weeks and I am sad you wont be there! I am happy you are loving your expERIEnce (own it)! Your cute as ever and your house is darling.
Your house is so cute!! And Miles is hilarious!!!
Good call Julie! I zoomed in and laughed my head off! That is a lizard that was given to Miles before he was born. It was his first ever gift and I guess we thought it needed to be a part of our family photo. :)
holy crap it is about time!
you look cute! of course you get bigger with each pregnancy, the skin has already been stretched out.
Breaking dawn was a little dissapointing for me..
A fish tank at the zoo? I'm glad to see your zoo is about as cool as the doctors office.
Classic. I was wondering who was going to say something about that.
You should see the elephant exhibit. Oh wait, they don't have one.
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