Our trip to Erie is over. Here are some high(and low)lights:
-Night: Miles sees us packing and knows that we are leaving. He refuses to not be touching one us. I cry.
-Morning: I get to see Miles before we leave. He remembers we are leaving and cries hysterically when I go to the ladies. I cry in the bathroom. I come out and he runs to me. I cry and give him big hugs. David and I slip out of the room when he isn't looking and I cry all the way to the plane and start again a few times when David isn't looking.
-Night: We arrive in Erie and go directly to the Erie 2nd Ward's ward party to meet the nicest people in the whole world- the Keiths. We stay at the Keiths. All week.
-Church: I am amazed at how many connections there are back to Salt Lake. We meet and/or re-meet about 600 people.
-House hunting begins: Dreadful. Every last one of them. The basements are so scary that I'm honestly afraid of rabid animals, zombies or stepping on a nail and getting gonorrhea (yes, I know what gonorrhea is). I'm devastated- because I really don't want to live with zombies or those other things. I'm still hopeful that something is out there.
-Lazy Day. I miss Miles so much it's killing me. The Keith's continue to delight our palate with delectable treats.
-The hunt continues: We look at about 15 houses and I'm just not comfortable with any of them. I have a feeling that there is one house that would just be perfect for us. And then... we find it. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen. I'm sure you are dying to see it- so here are a few photos...
Isn't it adorable?!
Cutest little Kitchen!
This is the living space.
There is even a quiet study for David.
I know! I know! It's great. We are in love with it. I just kept wanting to go back.
Wednesday: We make an offer.
Thursday: We adjust the offer. They accept it!
-Morning: I start crying hysterically again because I miss Miles so much. I have the most horrible feeling that something bad is going to happen to him today. We get the inspection for the house down. Everything looks pretty good.
-5:00pm: Jeff Cain calls. Miles fell and may need stitches. I'm grateful it's not something a whole lot worse. I don't even cry.
-8:00pm: I cry.
-Afternoon: We finally get on the plane and I am incredibly anxious. Will he remember me? Will he be mad at me? Will he ever love me again?
-Reunion: I see him from a distance and immediately drop my bags and run to him with outstretched arms. He sees me. Signs and says "Mama!" Gives me a great big smile and I scoop him up with giant tears in my eyes. He gives me a extra long hug. I love this kid. It was like the movies- only better. We walk to the car and my Mother-in-Law (watching through the window) says, "You guys made me cry!" Me too, Laraine. Me too.
I must thank the incredible retractable distactable (I'm sure that is not a word) stupendous sublimely fantastical cheeseballs (aka: the Keiths) for everything that they did for us. How could we ever repay you for the endless meals, the super comfy mattress, the sharing of the bathroom, the endless wisdom of all things Erie, LECOM and homeownership, the neck cracks, the dancing to the jungle song, the introduction to starfall.com, the late nights that should've been spent studying and of course, my new favorite game, Killer Bunnies. We loved spending time with you guys and hopefully we will be able to make it up to you someday. Please tell Gracie, Sammy and the Pink Baby Dinosaur that we miss them very much. I still have "Barie Merry Posa" stick in my head. We love you guys! See you in July!
I absolutely love the house and I 'll tell you what it has, it oozes character, something hard to find. You have great taste. We are for sure gonna make it out there to visit weather you want us to or not. Congrats on the big purchase.
Yay! I am so glad Miles wasn't mad or sad or anything when you came home. Just happy!!! I love those movie reunions! I can't wait to meet him!! Give him a hug from me. Yes the baby pink dinosaur is still hanging around. Gracie had the sister missionaries hold it last night. And she did talk about Barbie Mariposa all through dinner too. Silly funny cute girl! Anyway, hope everything with the house is still going great!
I want to move to Erie..
Um.. you are hilarious, me too Laraine, me too..
I love how much you love Miles, you are such a sweet Mom.
Could your house be any cuter... I don't think so.
Love the house. I hope you keep the current owners Americana theme going. I'd bet you $10 that they voted for Kristi Lee Cook last Tuesday on AI.
Cic, the house is adorable. I am super stoked that you found a jem! Can't wait to be so close to eachother!
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Brook Johnson and I am in the Erie ward. I was sad to hear I somehow missed meeting you guys when you were out here (my husband and I are both in nursery at church so it is easy to miss introductions). We are excited to have a new family move in to the ward......
PS-My husband, Skip, is also a LECOM student (1st year pharmacy)
So we just got a really fun package in the mail yesterday. You don't happen to know where it came from do you? The purple expansion pack of killer bunnies? Unless David was really teasing me and actually did order it for himself because he has wanted it FOREVER!! Thanks! You guys are the greatest!
We know of two other families coming from the Salt Lake area. Is it the Johnsons or the Collards. If it is either of them David is already in contact with them a little. But please feel free to give out number to anyone that you don't think is crazy.
Oh and I think you need to make up your mind about this girl/boy thing. I am sure you just told me I was having a girl a few days ago and now all of a sudden it is a boy? Hmmmm. I guess we are just going to have to wait 7 months to find out Ü
One of the girls in the ward found your blog from my blog and told all of the other girls in the ward with blogs. They all wanted to link your blog to theirs.
Anyway, thanks again for the bunnies. Later.
I love the house. Adorable is the perfect word for it. Good luck with everything as things move forward.
You are such a cute mom! I love your blog, it's so you. I will miss you when you go, and so will all of Mt. Oly 10th. You're in for an adventure!
cool red kitchen. Congrats!
You're house is SO cute! I'm glad you found something you're comfortable with. We had the same problem when we looked last year. I'm excited to meet your little boy....you're so cute about him! It will be fun to have you guys here...see you in JULY!!
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