Timeline of craziness.
-Dave will be gone. Not cool.
-14th: Valentines Day. Also the day I get my boob checked out again. Hoping for the best.
-Match list due. Dave and I will have to decide what path we would like to take for the next 4 years of life. It's kind of a big deal.
-Dave will be gone. Not cool.
-16th is Match Day. I think we find out if we matched on the 12th and then we find out where we are going on the 16th. This is craziness. Our fate is in the hands of a computer generated formula.
-16th (10 minutes after the match)- find a realtor. We need to find a house and get going on the move before we have a baby in a few weeks and get kicked out of our apartment on May 31st.
-Baby Newbie is due! I think I'm going to like her/him.
-3rd is Graduation Day! Dave becomes a doctor!! That's Sir. Dr. Cain to you.
-7th is a super sneaky special trip that the kids don't know about. Shhhhh- don't tell them! I'll give you a hint- it rhymes with Schmisney World! I am so excited I want to cry.
-15th Enjoy a couple of weeks of painting/fixing/redoing parts of the house.
-Dave starts residency! And then the real craziness begins.
All of this is like Christmas Eve for me. Wish us luck. Love you.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
So, I'm in my last-mester of pregnancy. And I'm about to be really real up in this blog so, if you don't want to hear about the truths of pregnancy- just click away.
Swiss Army Knife. I'm pretty sure this little person has somehow fashioned a Swiss Army Knife out of amniotic fluid and is using it to dig its way through my right lowest rib. Remember that "Rescue Me" scene in Paul Shore's epic In the Army Now. (Don't pretend like you haven't seen it.) Yep, it's just like that. Also, occasionally the babe uses it to shove into one of my ovaries just to remind me that we are done having kids. Take that tiny eggs!
Ug sauce. I am feeling so incredibly ugly. I swear in the last 6 months I have aged 15 years. I used to be able to get away with chap stick and bronzer. Now if I don't get ready in the morning I look like this: click here. Not cool.
Neepers. When Dave and I first got married we had a dog named Barkley. He was a pug. He was unmanageable and he snorted and he was wall eyed. I loved him. I have some new pets that are just as free spirited and they are my sitting atop my belly. They are my boobs. And they are everywhere.
Peek-a-boo. I'm big and getting bigger. I recently got to the point where I can't see past my belly. As far as I know, my body goes- head, boobs, top of belly, toes. And that's all. I am not comfortable with not knowing how everything is holding up on the parts I can't see...
Pee-a-boo. ...Infact, if I didn't have to pee every hour I may have forgotten that I still have specials down there. My favorite is when I pee, wash my hands, the baby moves, and I am back on the toilet. And when I say my favorite- I mean the opposite of that. Speaking of which, if you'll excuse me for a sec...
Serious Condition. I am not lying in the least little bit when I say that I am pretty sure my baby has seizures. This kid is already practicing his krumping, no doubt, but at least 3 times a day it also shakes and spazzes uncontrollably like it's had too much coffee. It makes me nervous.
Harold and the Purple Crayon. When we got it's 1/2 way ultrasound and saw it's profile- he looked exactly like this. I truly believe the ultrasounds are telling. Miles did something hilarious during his and he is honestly the funniest kid I know. Faye's picture looked exactly like my sister, Celeste, and she still does. Newbie's profile screams Harold. And I can't wait.
My heart on my sleeve. I would like to think I would be a pretty good actress if given the opportunity, but I might be wrong. Lately people have been saying things like, "Are you okay?" "You seem a little down," and "Everything alright?" I have been a little sick lately, but I didn't know that I was also depressed until people kept telling me. So, someone tell me how happy I am. Right now and I mean it!
Professor Actual Factual. The truth is, as much as I love complaining about the woes of pregnancy- I am actually really excited to have this baby. And so are my kids.
Faye says: If it's a girl I am going to name it Tiger. And if it's a boy I'm going to name it Tiger.
Miles will leave little pictures of hearts or submarines for me and the baby all over the house. Sometimes the baby will get a special hug and kiss from one of the kids and every once in a while I can get Dave to feel the baby during one of it's dance sessions.
Dave says: Yep. There's a baby in there.
I can't wait to meet her. I can't wait to hold him in my arms. I can't wait to see her little tiny hand wrap around one of my fingers. I can't wait to watch him stretch his little arms out and not be able to reach the top of his head. I can't wait to see how Faye will love on him and how Miles will protect her. I can't wait to watch Dave look at her with love in his eyes.
I can't wait to meet you, little one. Come soon, but not too soon- keep working on those ribs until D-day.
Love you.
Swiss Army Knife. I'm pretty sure this little person has somehow fashioned a Swiss Army Knife out of amniotic fluid and is using it to dig its way through my right lowest rib. Remember that "Rescue Me" scene in Paul Shore's epic In the Army Now. (Don't pretend like you haven't seen it.) Yep, it's just like that. Also, occasionally the babe uses it to shove into one of my ovaries just to remind me that we are done having kids. Take that tiny eggs!
Ug sauce. I am feeling so incredibly ugly. I swear in the last 6 months I have aged 15 years. I used to be able to get away with chap stick and bronzer. Now if I don't get ready in the morning I look like this: click here. Not cool.
Neepers. When Dave and I first got married we had a dog named Barkley. He was a pug. He was unmanageable and he snorted and he was wall eyed. I loved him. I have some new pets that are just as free spirited and they are my sitting atop my belly. They are my boobs. And they are everywhere.
Peek-a-boo. I'm big and getting bigger. I recently got to the point where I can't see past my belly. As far as I know, my body goes- head, boobs, top of belly, toes. And that's all. I am not comfortable with not knowing how everything is holding up on the parts I can't see...
Pee-a-boo. ...Infact, if I didn't have to pee every hour I may have forgotten that I still have specials down there. My favorite is when I pee, wash my hands, the baby moves, and I am back on the toilet. And when I say my favorite- I mean the opposite of that. Speaking of which, if you'll excuse me for a sec...
Serious Condition. I am not lying in the least little bit when I say that I am pretty sure my baby has seizures. This kid is already practicing his krumping, no doubt, but at least 3 times a day it also shakes and spazzes uncontrollably like it's had too much coffee. It makes me nervous.
Harold and the Purple Crayon. When we got it's 1/2 way ultrasound and saw it's profile- he looked exactly like this. I truly believe the ultrasounds are telling. Miles did something hilarious during his and he is honestly the funniest kid I know. Faye's picture looked exactly like my sister, Celeste, and she still does. Newbie's profile screams Harold. And I can't wait.
My heart on my sleeve. I would like to think I would be a pretty good actress if given the opportunity, but I might be wrong. Lately people have been saying things like, "Are you okay?" "You seem a little down," and "Everything alright?" I have been a little sick lately, but I didn't know that I was also depressed until people kept telling me. So, someone tell me how happy I am. Right now and I mean it!
Professor Actual Factual. The truth is, as much as I love complaining about the woes of pregnancy- I am actually really excited to have this baby. And so are my kids.
Faye says: If it's a girl I am going to name it Tiger. And if it's a boy I'm going to name it Tiger.
Miles will leave little pictures of hearts or submarines for me and the baby all over the house. Sometimes the baby will get a special hug and kiss from one of the kids and every once in a while I can get Dave to feel the baby during one of it's dance sessions.
Dave says: Yep. There's a baby in there.
I can't wait to meet her. I can't wait to hold him in my arms. I can't wait to see her little tiny hand wrap around one of my fingers. I can't wait to watch him stretch his little arms out and not be able to reach the top of his head. I can't wait to see how Faye will love on him and how Miles will protect her. I can't wait to watch Dave look at her with love in his eyes.
I can't wait to meet you, little one. Come soon, but not too soon- keep working on those ribs until D-day.
Love you.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Good morning.
Dear Blog-
I just sort of miss you. That's all.
What's happened:
-I am almost in my third trimester and I am feeling Large Marge-ish, but I don't ever remember feeling this non-sick with my other two. Ps. This is our last baby. It seems that with each child my sickness gets more and more concentrated to the first trimester and if I had another I would probably just die at about 14 weeks.
-Miles is awesome. He is seriously the smartest kid I know. Sometimes it worries me. His teacher in pre-school said this about him, "Miles is just a little man. A little silly man."
-Faye is incredibly adorable. She is super smart too. She just turned three and can count to 30, knows about 10 Christmas songs, looks like Little Cindy Lou Who, and is sort of nasally when she talks. I like it.
My kids are growing up. Coming this Sunday- they will both be in primary. It makes me want to cry.
This baby is due in April and I am planning to cut her/him/it out of my belly. That means I will have had 1 induced baby, 1 natural baby, and 1 C-sectioned baby. I feel like I should write a book. The babe is super active and prefers to spend it's time on the right side of my body. I think it wants to snuggle me.
-I found a lump in my boob in October (National Breast Cancer Awareness Month) and although the tumor doesn't look cancerous- they don't know what it is and would like to take it out. Only, I'm pregnant. So... We are waiting until probably 1 year post baby before we cut into it. Fingers crossed, eh?
-Dave becomes a doctor in about 5 months. I can't believe it. Have I told you how much I love him? Cause I seriously do. I will follow him anywhere- even to Lubbock, Texas if necessary. Residency starts this summer and we have a few options... I'm hoping for Cleveland myself, but Iowa and Columbus are high on my list as well. But as I said, I would do anything for love. -Meatloaf.
-Christmas week was awesome. Our anniversary was the 20th, Faye's birthday was the 22nd, Christmas was spent opening presesents and playing all day, then the 26th was spent cleaning the house (another Christmas present) to host my parents and Celeste's entrance to Cleveland. We still have some of Faye's birthday presents to open and the house seems literally filled with toys. It's wonderful.
-The fish died this week. All of them. I'm trying to figure out if this is a Christmas Miracle or if it is a Christmas disaster, but the kids dont' seem to mind. So... I'm good.
-I love our friends, schools, and ward here. I am grateful everyday for all that we have. And I'm grateful for you Blog, even though I neglect you.
-All in all, I love what is happening here in the Cain home.
I just sort of miss you. That's all.
What's happened:
-I am almost in my third trimester and I am feeling Large Marge-ish, but I don't ever remember feeling this non-sick with my other two. Ps. This is our last baby. It seems that with each child my sickness gets more and more concentrated to the first trimester and if I had another I would probably just die at about 14 weeks.
-Miles is awesome. He is seriously the smartest kid I know. Sometimes it worries me. His teacher in pre-school said this about him, "Miles is just a little man. A little silly man."
-Faye is incredibly adorable. She is super smart too. She just turned three and can count to 30, knows about 10 Christmas songs, looks like Little Cindy Lou Who, and is sort of nasally when she talks. I like it.
My kids are growing up. Coming this Sunday- they will both be in primary. It makes me want to cry.
This baby is due in April and I am planning to cut her/him/it out of my belly. That means I will have had 1 induced baby, 1 natural baby, and 1 C-sectioned baby. I feel like I should write a book. The babe is super active and prefers to spend it's time on the right side of my body. I think it wants to snuggle me.
-I found a lump in my boob in October (National Breast Cancer Awareness Month) and although the tumor doesn't look cancerous- they don't know what it is and would like to take it out. Only, I'm pregnant. So... We are waiting until probably 1 year post baby before we cut into it. Fingers crossed, eh?
-Dave becomes a doctor in about 5 months. I can't believe it. Have I told you how much I love him? Cause I seriously do. I will follow him anywhere- even to Lubbock, Texas if necessary. Residency starts this summer and we have a few options... I'm hoping for Cleveland myself, but Iowa and Columbus are high on my list as well. But as I said, I would do anything for love. -Meatloaf.
-Christmas week was awesome. Our anniversary was the 20th, Faye's birthday was the 22nd, Christmas was spent opening presesents and playing all day, then the 26th was spent cleaning the house (another Christmas present) to host my parents and Celeste's entrance to Cleveland. We still have some of Faye's birthday presents to open and the house seems literally filled with toys. It's wonderful.
-The fish died this week. All of them. I'm trying to figure out if this is a Christmas Miracle or if it is a Christmas disaster, but the kids dont' seem to mind. So... I'm good.
-I love our friends, schools, and ward here. I am grateful everyday for all that we have. And I'm grateful for you Blog, even though I neglect you.
-All in all, I love what is happening here in the Cain home.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Prego Log baby #3
Week 4: I'm pregnant! And I haven't told anyone. Including Dave. He is out of town and I was hoping to surprise him with a big banner or something, but I'm not super good at keeping secrets...
It took 6 months, but those 6 months really helped me prepare myself for pregnancy and make sure that we were doing the right thing. I'm due April 10th! I'm so excited!!!!
Week 5: I'm pregnant! And I feel so good! Maybe this time I won't be sick!!!! It will be a med school miracle! Especially since we aren't telling anyone until we get to Utah in Sept.
Week 6: I'm pregnant! And feeling it. Today was my first encounter with the toilet- I had been holding back the puke all day and then I finally did to relieve myself and... it didn't work. I still feel like my insides want to be my outsides. My poor kids have literally been watching TV all day.
Oh, man. Lets hope I don't have to have IVs this time. I want my Mommy. I'm sooooo grateful for my Shaker friends. I would be lost without them.
Week 7: I'm pregnant and I want to die. Was it this bad the last two times? I'm adopting my fourth. No joke. I just started puking and I have an honest fear of food. I'm worried that the combo of those two things means IVs in the near future. Dave just left for a month long rotation in Erie. I'll see him on the weekends- which means I will be crying every weekday. Oh, and I woke Miles up by puking last night. Awesome.
Week 8: I'm pregnant with a baby! I saw him today. He is strong and healthy and alone in there. I was sort of hoping he would have a friend to play with, but it looks like it's just me and him. I'm not sure it's a boy, of course, but I'm pretty sure it's a boy. or a girl. Seeing him for the first time and watching his little heart flutter gave me hope and a better perspective about having this little person in me. I'm going to be sick- that is for sure, but I'm also going to be happy to share my life with another little person for the rest of my life. Can't wait to meet you!
Week 9: IV fluids. Why do I suck so bad at being pregnant?
Week 10: Improving on the puke scale, but still not feeling great. I miss the crap out of Dave and my Mom.
Week 11: This week we are going to Utah and get to announce to the families! I CAN NOT WAIT! Too bad Mama Suite is out of town until Sunday night. She and my Dad will undoubtably be the last to know. I can't believe I actually kept this kind of a secret from them. Utah here we come!
Week 12: Utah brings celebration and help. Did I mention how much I missed my mom? I heart family. And naps. And baby #3. We just decided we aren't going to find out what the sex is. Super excited!
Love you.
It took 6 months, but those 6 months really helped me prepare myself for pregnancy and make sure that we were doing the right thing. I'm due April 10th! I'm so excited!!!!
Week 5: I'm pregnant! And I feel so good! Maybe this time I won't be sick!!!! It will be a med school miracle! Especially since we aren't telling anyone until we get to Utah in Sept.
Week 6: I'm pregnant! And feeling it. Today was my first encounter with the toilet- I had been holding back the puke all day and then I finally did to relieve myself and... it didn't work. I still feel like my insides want to be my outsides. My poor kids have literally been watching TV all day.
Oh, man. Lets hope I don't have to have IVs this time. I want my Mommy. I'm sooooo grateful for my Shaker friends. I would be lost without them.
Week 7: I'm pregnant and I want to die. Was it this bad the last two times? I'm adopting my fourth. No joke. I just started puking and I have an honest fear of food. I'm worried that the combo of those two things means IVs in the near future. Dave just left for a month long rotation in Erie. I'll see him on the weekends- which means I will be crying every weekday. Oh, and I woke Miles up by puking last night. Awesome.
Week 8: I'm pregnant with a baby! I saw him today. He is strong and healthy and alone in there. I was sort of hoping he would have a friend to play with, but it looks like it's just me and him. I'm not sure it's a boy, of course, but I'm pretty sure it's a boy. or a girl. Seeing him for the first time and watching his little heart flutter gave me hope and a better perspective about having this little person in me. I'm going to be sick- that is for sure, but I'm also going to be happy to share my life with another little person for the rest of my life. Can't wait to meet you!
Week 9: IV fluids. Why do I suck so bad at being pregnant?
Week 10: Improving on the puke scale, but still not feeling great. I miss the crap out of Dave and my Mom.
Week 11: This week we are going to Utah and get to announce to the families! I CAN NOT WAIT! Too bad Mama Suite is out of town until Sunday night. She and my Dad will undoubtably be the last to know. I can't believe I actually kept this kind of a secret from them. Utah here we come!
Week 12: Utah brings celebration and help. Did I mention how much I missed my mom? I heart family. And naps. And baby #3. We just decided we aren't going to find out what the sex is. Super excited!
Love you.
Friday, August 12, 2011
100 Things to Do in Cleveland and Beyond: Activity 27
Acticity 27: Rainbow Babies- University Hospital System
Poor little Faye had to have a minor surgery and we are so blessed to live in a place with one of the top children's medical centers in the nation. I heart Rainbow Babies. I was sooooo nervous and they were so kind and loving and helpful and they made Faye, Dave and I all feel a little more comfortable about the whole process.
So, this Cleveland activity is one that I pray you don't have to venture to, but if you do- I hope you feel good about taking your baby there. I did.
Faye checks out her new threads.
Look at the smile on that nurse! So awesome!
This was post surgery. It scared me to death to see her like this.
Just waking up.
It was like she didn't even know it happened.
Thanks Rainbow team!
Love, the Cains.
Poor little Faye had to have a minor surgery and we are so blessed to live in a place with one of the top children's medical centers in the nation. I heart Rainbow Babies. I was sooooo nervous and they were so kind and loving and helpful and they made Faye, Dave and I all feel a little more comfortable about the whole process.
So, this Cleveland activity is one that I pray you don't have to venture to, but if you do- I hope you feel good about taking your baby there. I did.
Faye checks out her new threads.
Look at the smile on that nurse! So awesome!
This was post surgery. It scared me to death to see her like this.
Just waking up.
It was like she didn't even know it happened.
Thanks Rainbow team!
Love, the Cains.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
100 Things to Do in Cleveland and Beyond: Activity 26
Hi there! Long time no see.
I'm back with new business- it's 2011 in real life and on the Cain Train blog and it came just in time. I need a little winter fix with the way the heat wave has been waving it's heat in my face.
I'm back with new business- it's 2011 in real life and on the Cain Train blog and it came just in time. I need a little winter fix with the way the heat wave has been waving it's heat in my face.
Activity 26: Ice skating Lessons.
If you haven't heard it snows it here. A lot. And what better why to enjoy the winter than to get involved in hockey! Well, not so much hockey, yet, considering the skill levels of my 2 and 4 year olds, but maybe someday.
Miles says*: "Look mom, I'm an Artic Lobster."
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Are you asking for a challenge?!
If you don't know what I'm talking about, click here.
Miles loves to "battle." I'm not into it. Apparently Dave is- and I'm okay with that.
Just look at how much fun my kids are having:

Miles loves to "battle." I'm not into it. Apparently Dave is- and I'm okay with that.
Just look at how much fun my kids are having:
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