Ok. This is seriously one of my favorite things we have done since we moved here. Lake Farm Park transforms into Santa's Workshop and the kids LOVED it. Here, let me show you.
Here we are waiting to enter Santa's Workshop. Often Faye gets compared to Little Cindy Lou Who. So it was really exciting to see the two of them together. At least it was exciting for me- not so much Faye.
Once inside, the kids got to pick out the toy they wanted to make in the workshop. Miles picked a jet plane and Faye picked a rocking horse. They got to sand, hammer and glue their projects. It was so fun for them.
And right in the middle of working on the toys- Miles' elf excused herself, put on a microphone, climbed some scaffolding and lead everyone in the shop in a funky fresh dance. Watching Miles' confused, but enjoyable dancing in this video is worth your time.
Then it was time to paint. Both of the kids went to work. They felt so good about their toys after they built and painted them all by themselves. We were pretty proud of them too.
Once the toys were completed, we got to take a horse drawn sleigh(ish) to see millions of twinkling lights in all shapes and colors. So fun. I couldn't waste my time taking pictures, so i just captured Miles as we were going through a rainbow tunnel.
And last (and probably least) we met Santa. Faye wasn't into it. I'm amazed that Miles sat next to him. Santas that aren't cartoons creep me out. But, alas, here we are.
I had to put this in. Even with all the other amazing things we did- this was truly one of the highlights of the evening for Dave and I.
Loves for Christmas in May.
How come I can't watch any of your videos?
PS. I'm pregnant. I just wanted you to know. You don't mind I'm telling you in the comments section of your blog, right? Wait, maybe I already told you.... I can't remember. I'm really busy and really important so unless my personal assistant tells me so, I tend to forget a lot of things.
No, I had no idea. Thank goodness for blogs and facebook for our family communication.
ps. Congratulations!
Also, you can't watch my videos? I don't know why. I can.
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